Saturday, July 21, 2007

First of all I apologize to Graham Parker for the title. Sorry Graham. Secondly, why am I doing this? Glad you asked. Periodically over the years I've tried writing in a journal- never worked out. But I've always known writing something down has makes me think about it more. So that's what this is about, making me think about shit and not just go through the motions of daily life. The other thing about a journal is by nature it's private-nobody to read my rants, and I do have some beefs with you people. The media, corporate America, the general public, the lady in the grocery store line in front of me, you'll all get your turn. There will be much more time for the airing of grievances later. So there you have it, a mix of sort of existential, be here now bullshit and me bitching. Bottoom line is, like all blogs, this is all pretty much for me-not so much for anyone who happens to read it. But then, what do I know. Fuck it.

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